Student activists from the University of Wisconsin, Madison say why they’re excited about the upcoming conference: “SOCIALISM 2007: Socialism for the 21st Century.” being held at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare, June 14-17, 2007. See for more details.
SOCIALISM 2007 will bring together socialists and activists who are involved in struggles across the country–from opposing the war to organizing against the death penalty–and share a vision of rebuilding the left.
Join John Pilger, Amy Goodman, Dahr Jamail, Dave Zirin, Anthony Arnove, Sharon Smith, Laura Flanders, Dr. John Carlos, Jeff St. Clair, IVAW’s Kelly Dougherty, and a host of other speakers at Socialism 2007, and participate in the discussion over the future of radical and socialist politics in the 21st Century.
Last summer, some 1,500 people turned out for Socialism 2006 in New York City.
Student comments were videotaped on May 4, 2007 at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Many thanks to Chris Dols and Elizabeth Wrigley-Field for their organizing (and for their comments), and to all the students who participated.
See coverage of last year’s conference.with videos on TraprockPeaceTV
video © 2007 Charles Jenks; all rights reserved. Websites may embed the video. Other uses require permission; contact