Dahr Jamail Eyewitness to Occupation

Dahr Jamail on Iraq Eyewitness to Occupation at Socialism 2008


“Over half the total population of the country are either refugees, in need of emergency aid or dead.”

Dave Jamail gave a riveting talk on the occupation of Iraq at Socialism 2008 in Chicago on June 20. (Websites may embed this video.)
Dahr has spent a total of eight months in occupied Iraq as one of only a few independent US journalists in the country. In the Middle East, Dahr has also has reported from Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. He writes for the Inter Press Service, the Asia Times and many other outlets. His reports have also been published with the Nation, the Sunday Herald, Islam Online, the Guardian, Foreign Policy in Focus, and the Independent. Dahr uses the DahrJamailIraq.com Web site and his popular mailing list to circulate his dispatches.

Socialism conferences are sponsored annually by the Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of International Socialist Review and Haymarket Books. Conferences are co-sponsored by the International Socialist Organization, publisher of Socialist Worker and Obrero Socialista.

For more information on Socialism 2008, see https://www.socialismconference.org

See also:

Socialist Worker

International Socialist Review
Haymarket Books
Obrero Socialista
Center for Economic Research and Social Change
International Socialist Organization

Videotaped and edited by Charles Jenks. Video © 2008 Haymarket Books.

INFORMATION FOR WEB MANAGERS: Websites may embed this excellent video using the embed code provided by Google.