Dahr Jamail Eyewitness to Occupation

Dahr Jamail on Iraq Eyewitness to Occupation at Socialism 2008 [googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1552264890279315710[/googlevideo] “Over half the total population of the country are either refugees, in need of emergency aid or dead.” Dave Jamail gave a riveting talk on the occupation of Iraq at Socialism 2008 in Chicago on June 20. (Websites may embed this video.)

Dave Zirin at Socialism 2008 on Peoples History of Sports

Hear Dave Zirin give a terrific and humorous talk on The People’s History of Sports. It’s packed with insights and little known history about sports in the US. [googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4170596434502568399[/googlevideo] He spoke at the Socialism 2008 conference in Chicago on June 21, 2008.

Video Portrait from Winter Soldier

[googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=885900280580697301[/googlevideo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwjqwQrpJfE Thanks to Holly Near for giving permission to use her song “I Am Willing.” I dedicate this video to the victims of war in Iraq and Afghanistan and do so in memory of the over a million who have been killed in these wars. See testimonies by witnesses to war at https://www.ivaw.org

Joel Geier on 1968 Year of Revolt

[googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-78082560718959411[/googlevideo] Joel Geier, Associate Editor of the International Socialist Review, spoke on “1968: Year of Revolt” at the University of Illinois, Champaign, IL on March 26, 2008.

Camilo Mejia and Martin Smith on Soldiers Against the War

Support Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan (Videos Originally published November 9, 2007) Camilo Mejia, Iraq veteran and Chair of Iraq Veterans Against the War, gave with workshop with Martin Smith (Midwest Coordinator of IVAW) on “Soldiers Against the War from Vietnam to Iraq.” (22:22 minutes)[googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3110713396710875617[/googlevideo]Martin Smith, Midwest Regional Coordinator of Iraq Veterans Against the War,… Continue reading Camilo Mejia and Martin Smith on Soldiers Against the War

Categorized as Iraq, Video

Recent Developments in Venezuela

Martin Sanchez, Venezuelan Consul for Chicago, focused on recent developments in his talk on “The Struggle for Self-Determination in Venezuela.” (28:37 minutes) [googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4707899597089110674[/googlevideo] He spoke at the plenary of the Midwest Socialist Conference held at the University of Illinois, Chicago on November 3-4, 2007. This was one of the regional socialist conferences taking place that… Continue reading Recent Developments in Venezuela

Categorized as Video

Camilo Mejia – Personal Reflections on Confronting US Empire

Camilo Mejia, Chair of the Board of Iraq Veterans Against the War, gave his personal reflections on confronting the US empire at the Midwest Socialist Conference. The Midwest Socialist Conference was hosted at the University of Illinois of Chicago from November 3-4, 2007. It was one of the regional socialist conferences taking place that weekend… Continue reading Camilo Mejia – Personal Reflections on Confronting US Empire

Sherry Wolf on the Long Term Struggle

Sherry Wolf, Editorial Board member of the International Socialist Review, asked activists to join the long term struggle at the plenary session of the Midwest Socialist Conference on November 3rd. [googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4124556379331288380[/googlevideo] There are no quick solutions, she said. Making a commitment to the long term struggle is “the only way we are going to win,”… Continue reading Sherry Wolf on the Long Term Struggle

Afghanistan, Islamophobia and the War on Terror

Charles Peterson, student from the University of Massachusetts, gave this workshop on “Afghanistan, Islamophobia and the War on Terror” at the Campus Antiwar Network’s 5th Anniversary Summit at the University of Wisconsin/Madison from October 19-21. (23:42 minutes)[googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4922125869181239311[/googlevideo] Delegates and guests from more than 20 schools across the country converged at the University of Wisconsin-Madison October… Continue reading Afghanistan, Islamophobia and the War on Terror

Iraq War Veterans on Strategy to End the War

Iraq Veterans Against the War members Kelly Dougherty, Garett Reppenhagen, Camilo Mejía, Chanan Suárez Diaz and Martin Smith spoke on IVAW’s strategy to end the war against Iraq at the Socialism 2007 conference in Chicago on June 16.These talks started off a 2-part, 3 hour Roundtable – Iraq: the Soldiers’ Rebellion – by IVAW veterans.… Continue reading Iraq War Veterans on Strategy to End the War