Dahr Jamail on Iraq Eyewitness to Occupation at Socialism 2008 [googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1552264890279315710[/googlevideo] “Over half the total population of the country are either refugees, in need of emergency aid or dead.” Dave Jamail gave a riveting talk on the occupation of Iraq at Socialism 2008 in Chicago on June 20. (Websites may embed this video.)
Category: Iraq
The Big Voice by Kathy Kelly
August 9, 2008 The Big Voice by Kathy Kelly About six months ago, Dan Pearson, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, swiveled around in his office chair in our tiny “headquarters” to ask what we thought about organizing a walk from Chicago to St. Paul, arriving just before the Republican National Convention. (see www.witnessagainstwar.org). Our… Continue reading The Big Voice by Kathy Kelly
Cold Shoulders by Kathy Kelly
Cold Shoulders by Kathy Kelly July 5, 2008 Over the past two years, here in Amman, Jordan, I’ve regularly visited the family of Umm Hamdi, an Iraqi woman forced out of her native Iraq four years ago by terrifying death threats after her husband, very likely prey to that same threatened violence, disappeared. Although often… Continue reading Cold Shoulders by Kathy Kelly
Istiklal by Kathy Kelly
Istiklal by Kathy Kelly July 3, 2008 The city of Amman, Jordan, is awash with numerous colorful signs that proclaim independence, “Istiklal.” The word is found on posters and placards in store windows. It names a major thoroughfare, a hospital, and a shopping center. Appreciation for independence is palpable, and this could be said for… Continue reading Istiklal by Kathy Kelly
Arrests for War Resistance Increase Again
Arrests for War Resistance Increase Again By Bill Quigley. “We can never forget that everything that Hitler did in Germany was ‘legal,’ and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did was ‘illegal.’ It was ‘illegal’ to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s Germany, but I am sure that if I lived in Germany during that… Continue reading Arrests for War Resistance Increase Again
Defend the Rutgers 3
Please sign petition: https://www.petitiononline.com/DefRU3/ To: Rutgers University Administration and the New Brunswick Police Department Defend the Rutgers 3! On March 27, hundreds of Rutgers students and supporters participated in the Rutgers Walkout against the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Students walked out of classes, rallied on campus, marched through downtown New Brunswick, and spontaneously walked on… Continue reading Defend the Rutgers 3
Weary of War? Don’t Collaborate
Weary of War? Don’t Collaborate. By Kathy Kelly April 17, 2008 An April 14th AP article by Anne Flaherty reported that U.S. Senators and Representatives are finding common ground in asking that Iraqis begin picking up the tab for the cost of war.
Video Portrait from Winter Soldier
[googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=885900280580697301[/googlevideo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwjqwQrpJfE Thanks to Holly Near for giving permission to use her song “I Am Willing.” I dedicate this video to the victims of war in Iraq and Afghanistan and do so in memory of the over a million who have been killed in these wars. See testimonies by witnesses to war at https://www.ivaw.org
Camilo Mejia and Martin Smith on Soldiers Against the War
Support Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan (Videos Originally published November 9, 2007) Camilo Mejia, Iraq veteran and Chair of Iraq Veterans Against the War, gave with workshop with Martin Smith (Midwest Coordinator of IVAW) on “Soldiers Against the War from Vietnam to Iraq.” (22:22 minutes)[googlevideo]https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3110713396710875617[/googlevideo]Martin Smith, Midwest Regional Coordinator of Iraq Veterans Against the War,… Continue reading Camilo Mejia and Martin Smith on Soldiers Against the War
Traveling Light by Kathy Kelly
Traveling Light by Kathy Kelly December 6, 2007 Traveling with as light a load as possible is something I long for during long stretches away from home. I routinely discard paperwork and periodicals, “recycle” gifts and give away clothing. But, here in Amman, Jordan, when a ten year-old Iraqi girl named Nauras gave me a… Continue reading Traveling Light by Kathy Kelly